(Incorporating the alterations passed at the Annual General Meeting of the Society
held on 20 October 2024)
1. The name of the Society shall be "THE SOCIETY OF DORSET MEN"
2. The objects of the Society shall be:-
To make and renew personal friendships and associations, to promote good fellowship among Dorset people wherever they may reside, to foster love of County and pride in its history and traditions and to assist by every means in its power, organisations of Dorset and individuals, who may stand in need of the influence and help of the Society.
3. The Society shall consist of a President, Deputy Presidents, Honorary Life Members, Life Members and Members.
4. Any person connected with the County of Dorset by birth, descent, marriage, property, past or present residence in the County shall be eligible to be elected to the membership.
5. (i) The names of all candidates for election shall be submitted to the Committee, who shall have full power to deal with the same.
(ii) The Committee shall have the power to remove from the list, the name of any Member whose subscription is in arrears for two years.
(iii) The Committee may also at any time in their discretion terminate the membership of any person without furnishing the reasons for their action, in which event a pro rata proportion of the subscription will be returned. Any member so expelled has the right to appeal within four weeks of being notified of expulsion, such appeal to be heard by a panel consisting of the President (or Deputy President) and two other members not being committee members.
6. The Subscriptions to the Society shall be (these subscriptions will apply whether the Member is residing in the UK or overseas):-
(a) Life Member - one payment - £200.00.
(b) Joint Life Members (partners registered at the same address) - one payment - £335.00 (if either partner dies the life membership remains with the surviving partner).
(c) Members per annum (payable 1st October) - £15.00.
(d) Joint Members (partners registered at the same address) per annum (payable 1st October) - £25.00.
7. (i) The Officers of the Society shall be:-
Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Membership Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Year Book Editor, Honorary Newsletter Editor and they together with the President and Deputy Presidents, if desired, shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting each year. Also, if required, a new President or Deputy President shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting.
(ii) The Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy of the above Officers arising during the year.
8. (i) The Society shall be governed by a Committee consisting of the Officers (excluding the President and Deputy Presidents) and additional Committee Members elected by the Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall not exceed ten members in total. Five Members shall form a quorum.
(ii) The Committee may delegate any of their powers to a Sub-Committee.
(iii) The Committee shall retire annually, but shall be eligible for re-election.
(iv) The Committee shall have the power to fill any Committee vacancy arising during the year.
9. (i) The Annual General Meeting will be held on a date to be decided by the Committee normally in October.
(ii) Not less than fourteen days before the Meeting, the Honorary Secretary shall send to every member a Notice of the Meeting. The Notice shall contain: -
- The date, time and place of the Meeting.
- The Agenda of the Meeting.
- Nominations, duly proposed and seconded, for Officers and Members of the Committee.
- Any resolution by a Member, duly proposed and seconded, for consideration at the Meeting.
(iii) Any Member may propose or second one or more Officers for election to the Committee.
(iv) Any Member may propose or second a Resolution for consideration at the Meeting.
(v) Nominations or Resolutions must be submitted to the Honorary Secretary not less than twenty-one days prior to the Meeting.
(vi) If the wording or subject of a Resolution is considered not in keeping with the aims and rules of the Society the Honorary Secretary, in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Committee, will consider whether the Resolution shall be included on the Agenda or rejected. The decision of the Honorary secretary shall be final.
10. The Committee may at any time convene a Special General Meeting and shall do so within six weeks of the Honorary Secretary receiving a written requisition signed by twenty Members. This should state the subject or subjects to be discussed and the Resolution. Notice of the date and place of all Special General Meetings shall be sent by the Honorary Secretary to each Member fourteen clear days prior to the date fixed and shall state the object or purpose for which such a Meeting is convened.
11. Proper Books of Accounts showing all income and expenditure shall be kept by the Honorary Treasurer. The Honorary Secretary shall record and keep Minutes of all General Meetings, Special Meetings and Meetings of the Committee. The Membership Secretary shall record and maintain a list of Members under the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations.
12. At each Annual General Meeting two Examiners shall be elected to examine the Accounts of the Society for presentation to the Members at the next Annual General Meeting.
13. These Rules may be amended, altered or varied by a majority of two thirds of the Members attending in person and voting at the Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting.