There is another full programme of Events for the Society in 2025. So far, the following have been organised:
County Dinner
George Albert Hotel, Warden Hill, Saturday 10 May 2025 - 6.45pm for 7.15pm. Cost £45 per head.
Guest speaker - Mr Angus Campbell CVO.
Please make your bookings to the Treasurer and pay by bank transfer (booking information and bank details can be found at the foot of the menu which can be downloaded below).
As this is his first County Dinner as President, the Main Speaker will be Angus Campbell CVO, who will take the opportunity to regale us with tales of his life as a serving officer, Dorset farmer and recently retired Lord-Lieutenant of the County. We hope as many of you as possible can attend and welcome him in his new position as our figurehead.
Although we shall be observing the Ceremony of the Cheese, as was the case last year no Blue Vinny will be served with the meal. Those of you who wish to partake of some should order it as your dessert course.
Menu - Menu for the County Dinner
Further information may be obtained from Chris Goodinge or, if appropriate, the Treasurer, Paul Newman
Those wishing to book a room at the George Albert should telephone 01935 483430 for a reservation. The special rate is £100.00 per room per night, room only, or £110.00 per room per night including breakfast. To get this rate, be sure to state you are with the SOCIETY OF DORSET MEN dinner party when booking.
Hambro Cup – Golf Competition
Came Down GC, Dorchester. Wednesday 21 May 2025. Contact (Pay on the day)
Walking History Tour of Dorchester
Guided Tour by Mark Chutter (Chair of the Thomas Hardy Society) (free) and Cream Tea (pay on the day). Maximum 30. Sunday 29 June 2025 . Meet 1.45pm County Hall Car Park (next to the Colliton Club) DT1 1XJ.
For booking or further information email
Founders Day
Dorchester Cemetery, Weymouth Avenue, Sunday 6th July at 2.00pm.
For further information contact Peter Lush
Forde Abbey House and Gardens
Wednesday 30 July 2025 - details to be confirmed.
For booking or further information email
Windsor and Thames Cruise
Wednesday 3 September 2025 - Cost £70, includes a ploughman's lunch and transport.
For booking or further information email
Annual General Meeting
Sunday 26 October 2025, venue to be confirmed.
Christmas Lunch
The Crown Hotel, Blandford. Sunday 7th December, 2025. Details and menu to be announced in due course.
For booking or further information email
Book any event by sending the form in the Newsletter, and your cheque - payable to The Society of Dorset Men